To resolve the issue Faced by stakeholder while filing INC-22A regarding the non prefill of Auditor details for those who have file GNL-2 instead of ADT-1 MCA issued the following clarification.
Based on feedback received from stakeholders who were unable to file e-form ACTIVE as they had filed ADT-1 forms for appointment of auditors for the period from 2014-15 to 2018-19 as an attachment with GNL-2 e-form during the period from 01/04/2014 to 20/10/2014 (due to non-availability of e-form ADT-1 during that period), it has now been decided to permit re-filing of ADT-1 to such companies for the said period (up to 2018-19), with ‘fee relaxation’ (normal fee and additional fee).
Stakeholders, in such cases, may download the latest ADT-1 e-form available on the portal and refile details of the Auditor’s appointment for the said period duly choosing ‘To’ period of appointment date as a date on or before ‘31st March 2019’.
Once ADT-1 is re-filed in such cases and duly approved, the details of Auditors would get pre-filled in the ACTIVE form.
In so far as those stakeholders who had filed details of auditors appointment in e-form GNL-2 even after 20th October 2014 (though e-form ADT-1 had been deployed on 20/10/2014) are concerned, no fee relaxation would be available.
Stakeholders may take note and plan accordingly.
Procedure to file ADT-1
- Download the latest for ADT-1 from MCA21
- Fill the from
- E-sign with DSC
- Run prescrutiny and
- Submit the form as “New Form”
Disclaimer: Due care has been taken to draft this write-up and is intended to express the Authors understanding and to start an academic discussion on the subject discussed in above write-up. it should not be considered as professional advice. Readers are advised to refer to relevant provisions of law before applying any of the above-mentioned views. The author accepts no responsibility whatsoever and will not be liable for any losses, claims or damages which may arise because of the content of this write-up.